→Widely used in stiffenss test, strength test, sliding test for scaffold planks, solid timber planks, vertically laminated timber planks, laminated veneer lumber (LVL) planks.
→Test standards: AS/NZS1577 Scaffold decking components.
→This standard specified requirements for the design and manufacture of scaffold decking components, and their performance requirements when used to form working platforms for scaffolds. Decking components comprsie scaffold planks, deck infills, lap plates and prefabricated platforms.
→Stiffness test: used for measuring the deflection of scaffold decking components comprising non-modular planks, modular planks, deck infills and prefabricated platform units in bending under a specified loading.
→Principle: A scaffold decking component or prefabricated platform unit is loaded in static bending in a test rig and its deflection is measured.
→Strength test: used for determining the strength of a scaffold decking component in bending.
→Principle: A scaffold decking component is loaded in static bending in a test rig and inspected for failure.
→Sliding test: used for determining the resistance to sliding of non-modular scaffold planks.
→Principle: A non-molular plank is loaded vertically at midspan and then subjected consecutively to a horizontal longitudinal and transverse direction loading to produce sliding.
For more tests of wood-based panels, please refer to the following links: