→Applicable to creep property and stress-rupture strength test for metals and alloys at room temperature and high temperature, is special testing equipment in ferrous metallurgy,aerospace aviation, scientific institute, colleges and quality supervision, etc.
→ISO 204 Metallic materials - Uniaxial creep testing in tension - Method of test
→DIN EN ISO 7500-2-2007 Metallic materials - Verification of static uniaxial testing machines - Part 2: Tension creep testing machines - Verification of the applied force
→ASTM E1457 Standard Test Method for Measurement of Creep Crack Growth Times in Metals
→ASTM E2760 Standard Test Method forCreep-Fatigue Crack Growth Testing
→ASTM E2714 Standard Test Method for Creep-FatigueTesting
→ASTM E139 Standard Test Methods for Conducting Creep Creep-Rupture and Stress-Rupture Tests of Metallic Materials
→Max. Load capacity: 10kN
→Masuring range of load: 1%-100%FS
→Load resolution: 1/±300000
→Loading rate:10-5-1mm/h
→Test space: 1200mm
→Temperature range of furnace: 300℃-600℃
→Furnace type: Split type, rotatable, movable
→Heating zone: 150mm
→Deformation measuring unit: Deformation: 10mm
→Extensometer resolution: 0.01mm
For details, please refer to the following links: